Sep 4Liked by Sarai Mitnick

I was very happy to see that the pile of books in your photo were NOT the latest best sellers but tried

and true books from the past. I have piles of those oldies but goodies sitting around my house waiting to be opened and read. Unlike fashions, books never go out of style!

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I took that photo at a local antique shop! My own library is a mix of old and new, but honestly 99% of what I read comes from the library.

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Sep 5Liked by Sarai Mitnick

I LOVE LIBRARIES! When I retired from teaching I was lucky enough to get a part time job at our local library. Almost all my books are from used book sales and I wouldn't part with any of them until I have absorbed them.

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I thought I was going to become a librarian when I was young. I think I would have enjoyed that path too.

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Sep 5Liked by Sarai Mitnick

My new nightly ritual for fall is making a pot of tea, lighting some candles, and watching an episode of Lost… then reading for the rest of the night!

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That sounds very cozy.

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I love your newsletter. Thank you for taking the time to write it😊

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Sep 4Liked by Sarai Mitnick

Ditto :)

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Thank you so much!

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