It's nice to be reminded that the resistant to create is a "thing", not just my short coming. Beginning, especially again, can be so difficult and then you step in lightly, with the intention to simply do this one thing or that and boom you're in it. Past the surface tension and diving deep. But I forget it works that way in the moment. My first inclination is to bemoan the resistance with the "on no...it will ALWAYS be this way, I've lost it"!

I appreciate your words and love following along with your substack. Thank you for making day better.

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It is definitely a thing! Have you read The War of Art by Steven Pressfield? It’s all about overcoming resistance in making art (especially writing).

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I haven't...the name has always been sort of off putting. As such a visual person, the war image feels so violent. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Sarai Mitnick

nice to know it's not just me... As I watch the leaves begin to darken, curl up and drop to the ground, I am reminded that I, too, have "seasons." Sometimes the easiest way to start creativity flowing is to clean, sort and organize my studio.

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Absolutely. I like to prep for future projects too. Productive procrastination!

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Sarai Mitnick

It is nice to have a routine(comfort in knowing what comes next,at least. for me!) I was wondering if you could share your routines (because,frankly, I wonder how you get everything done)?

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Yes, that would be a fun one to write! My daily routines change a bit with the seasons, so it’d be nice to share updates on it and what’s working. As for how much I get done... I wonder the same thing about all the parents I know.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Sarai Mitnick

While reading this I realized I feel guilty for having ignored my creative work. That makes it even harder to get past that initial obstacle you describe. It does take energy which is in short supply right now.

But I can do one small thing such as cut out the pieces of my next printed sewing pattern. I can do that before I go to bed tonight. And tomorrow is soon enough to start tracing and altering the pieces for my individual body.

Thank you, Sarai.

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Good luck and godspeed!

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Sarai Mitnick

Lucy is beautiful. Send some apples here. Florida has a lack of apples.

Thank you for always encourage me

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I’d gladly send apples, just send me some citrus!

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Sarai Mitnick

All wise words about getting started back up again. What a huge challenge the learning program seems to have been. Kudos to you for going and finishing. I hope you share snippets about how it has shaped anything for your business in the future. xx

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The most incredible part was meeting other entrepreneurs from all over the world. There were something like 30 countries represented in a program with only 90 people! It was really challenging for an introvert like me, but I really gave it my all and got so much in return.

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Sarai Mitnick

Welcome back Sarai. I admire your persistence, and am comforted by it. I struggle so much with routines, have all my life. I wait, instead, for the internal pressure to do a particular thing overcomes my natural resistance. I think it is my way to deal with too many pressures ( internal and external), seeing which ones are real enough to listen and respond to. But seeing how my partner effectively uses routines to deal with everyday pressures has helped me set some routines of my own ( though I constantly have to remind myself what they are!!

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I find that habit and routine release me from a lot of anxiety, because there are fewer decisions to make. Not everyone operates that way, though. And the downside is apparent here... when the routine breaks, I feel adrift for a while.

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What are apple plans?

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Ok, so far I’ve made apple pie filling (for the freezer), lots of apple compote (freezer), dried apple rings, apple pie baked oatmeal, and apple cake. I’ve also given away tons of apples, but I’m out of people to give them to. I still have way more to harvest, and two quarter bushels in my kitchen. Last year I canned apple butter, but I still have some so I don’t want to make more.

I’m thinking apple muffins, and maybe an apple crisp? I love apple baked goods, but they just don’t use all that much fruit!

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Happy you are back, we missed you! ❤️

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Aww thanks. ☺️

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Sarai Mitnick

I haven't tried this recipe yet, but it looks like a delicious way to use some of your apple harvest https://alexandracooks.com/2009/11/06/balzano-apple-cake-revisited/?ck_subscriber_id=1869392933

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Oooh, that looks good! I’ve made some wonderful French apple cakes in the past which also have that custard texture. I love it. I don’t think I’ve ever had an Italian apple cake, but I love most italian desserts.

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Love the kindness with which you are coming back from hiatus. Cat videos + still inviting yourself forward into that stretching place of creative endeavors.

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For what would life be without cat videos, amiright? 🐱

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Such good advice here! My favorite helpful thought when I find myself avoiding something is “a little is better than nothing” and I’ve found that it really helps me get started on projects that have been intimidating me.

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I am going to file that one away. I get very hung up on not being able to do enough in one go.

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Sarai - I always enjoy your writing. I appreciate the way you express your feelings, and how you tend to perfectionism like so many of us do. Thanks for being a friend in the craft and sewing world. Lucy is precious. Pets make our lives so much better!

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That’s so kind, Sybil. And yes, animals brighten every day!

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This is certainly apropos, as I'm trying to get it all back together after a really busy first almost 10 months of the year. I know I'm burned out and trying not to judge myself, but recovering is involving a lot of sitting and staring and scrolling through my phone. I've only had one activity that I've managed to keep up with, and I can spend as little as 10 minutes of the day on it, but after about a month and a half of inactivity, I'm really feeling the need to do more.

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I'm in that chasm at this moment. .two weeks ago it was full steam ahead for fall/winter sewing..then last week it was putting the creative aside to get everything prepared to leave for a weekend with my husband..not an easy get away as my mother (102) lives with us and there's a lot of prep for the caretaker. So after a fantastic weekend of sleeping in, amazing meals and entertainment I'm in my workroom reading email and trying not to look at Pinterest, the best procrastination vampire in the world. Fortunately, I do rely heavily on routine- so it's just taking that first step lightly. For me it's all about organizing my way back into the creative forest. Where is my "To Do menu so that I can order up something that I can jump into? Do I have the supplies ready, the fabric washed, machines threaded etc etc etc.

I have really enjoyed your writing in Making Time and often save it as well as the Seamwork podcasts to use as breadcrumbs back to the creative forest!! Thank you xo

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thank you for sharing those imperfect moments, heavy with self-imposed perfectionism built-in.....and getting back in the groove after a hiatus.

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