Hello, friend.

Iā€™m Sarai.

Iā€™m a maker, writer, and founder of Seamwork, an online community that helps you design and sew your own clothing.

In addition to sewing clothing, Iā€™m also a gardener, home cook, baker, mediocre amateur powerlifter (yes, really), knitter, and dabbler in all sorts of other hobbies.

And while I love accumulating creative hobbies, Iā€™ve also noticed how much anxiety I have around time. There never seems to be enough of it. I found myself worrying constantly about how much I could get done in a day, when I was going to finish a project, how Iā€™d fit it all in.

Needless to say, this is a reliable killer of both creativity and fun.

Thereā€™s a lot written already about work and leisure, about the importance of rest and the tyranny of productivity. But little is said about the in-between, the work we do purely for our own enjoyment.

William Morris is quoted as defining art as ā€œthe expression of manā€™s joy in labour.ā€ Iā€™d like to learn more about nurturing that joy, so that day to day life is filled with more art.

I hope youā€™ll join me!

What to expect

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You can also visit Seamwork for more sewing-specific stuff, and listen to the Seamwork Radio podcast, which I co-host with our designer, Haley.

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Always too busy for your creative projects? Learn new ways to manage your energy and do more of what you care about.