I had to do some serious purging when we packed all our household goods to go into storage before selling our house and traveling the US in an RV for a year. It really opened my eyes to how much STUFF was crammed in various hidey-holes throughout the house. And living in an RV for a year showed how little we really need. So for the past few years I've been a lot more mindful about what I purchase - we don't deny ourselves but think really hard about something that's just a want rather than a need. But I still have a problem with craft projects - I love the planning and sourcing supplies. And sometimes I even start the project - but there are at least a half dozen strewn about our spare room in various states of not-done-yet. So I'm going to spend January working on existing projects buying only supplies essential to finish. Thanks for the challenge!
Hi Sarai. Love this. I have spent the last year releasing things that no longer serve me. I have been using a Buy Nothing group on FB and love seeing things go to others I know will love and use them. I have also acquired a few things for my garden in this manner. I am joining your challenge with a focus on…food. Yup. Food. I am still buying for at least 3! Even though my daughter is living on the other side of the country and her father and I have divorced. The pandemic didn’t help as we all went into hoarder mode and I’ve been unable to change my way of thinking. 3-5lb bags of bread flour in the pantry now along with - oh my goodness don’t even want to say. My challenge is to eat from the pantry and the freezer, buy only fresh veg and fruit - enough for a few days so it’s truly fresh - and work my way thru all this food. Thanks for all your great inspiration.
You should see our pantry! We live pretty far from the grocery store though, so it’s useful to stay stocked. It could be fun to do a post and open thread on pantry meals!
Having so much fun with this. Finding things in the freezer and the pantry that I didn’t really know I had. Found grits yesterday and shoved way in the back of the freezer a bag of shrimp. I thawed the shrimp and removed the shell and legs and threw them in a saucepan with some water and simmered quite a while to make a shrimp stock. I know I’ll use it for something. Made oven shrimp and grits for dinner last night and have plenty of leftovers for lunch today, dinner tonight and perhaps something creative for breakfast tomorrow to finish it off. Maybe slice and fry the grits and chop the remaining shrimp for an omelette. Have not bought anything at the store but veg and fruit since the start of the challenge. Feels good and wow saving a ton of money a great benefit!!
I made a commitment last year to not buy any new fabric. I love how it forced me to be more creative with my sewing. I find it actually easier to create when having constraints. I also try to do the same with my pantry as I realize I buy a lot of grains, vinegars, oils, etc. and don't necessarily make the most of them before buying more!
I really like your idea of having one larger focus for the year and breaking it up into monthly 'challenges'. I tend to set a lot of goals in every area of my life each year, but of course not all of them end up getting done or even paid attention to that much. I think it's a great idea because by focusing on a larger goal we often end up learning, noticing and changing things about more specific things at the same time!
Growing up poor had me feeling a sort of way about seeing my closet filled to the brims! I felt happy and accomplished! Truth is I wear about 20% of whats in there and have no idea if the other 80% fits. I love the idea of this challenge mostly because I don't think I have time to sew myself a capsule wardrobe but like the idea of not bringing more stuff in for now. My end goal is to hopefully donate most of what I don't wear but for now I feel good about just not brining stuff in.
Several very close friends are joining me for a "Depth Year" challenge (David Cain, Raptitude) to not buy new possessions or start new hobbies, but to finish existing ones. We will check in monthly to encourage one another. My word this year is PERSIST.
I'm in! I've been reducing the contents of my closet for several years now. When I buy second-hand, I promise myself to put twice whatever is new to me into the outgoing box. I still catch myself wanting the thrill of a good find at my local thrift store, but i usually stop because i really like the stuff I already have. It's about being creative with what is already on hand.....not in pursuit of more!
A few years back, I said I wasn’t buying any clothes for a year. If I wanted them I would sew/make them (exceptions under garments and socks). I bought 2 shirts and a pair of shorts. Don’t make many but didn’t buy them either. For 2024 … I think I will try 3 months at a time: not buy new clothes nor waste my time mindlessly scrolling and adding to my shopping cart. The other one is, if I want to buy a new book I have to remove 2 from my ever expanding library (trust me, I have many I could purge).
I love books, but mainly use the library. I have so much less book clutter since discovering the Libby app years ago! But then if I do buy a book, it just sits there unread in a growing pile as I feel like I have to address my library queue first.
I've mostly only been buying books that are costume/clothing related, as I'm a costume designer and that is my business—however, that adds up to a ton of books! I do use Libby all of the time, but sometimes they don't have books that I want, so I'll try and find used books, or get them from the library, if possible. I've slowly been culling the books that I don't think I'll reread, but I do love to reread my favorites, so it's slow work.
Not a low buy, more mindful consumption...but maybe they’re the same thing just enacted slightly differently. One setting boundaries and the other a thoughtful questioning around need and want? A combination of low buy and mindful consumption might be a way to navigate.
I rarely buy new clothes except for jeans, socks and underwear. I haven't for years. Other exceptions are shoes—as I get older, I can't tolerate uncomfortable shoes and shoes that are too worn out often create foot problems. I did buy a warm coat when I was visiting a cold climate—in San Francisco, I don't really need one, so now I have one. I bought a gorgeous skirt at a market in London, but mostly, I'm wearing my clothes that have been accumulated over a 50 year period. I am also culling some of these—things that don't suit me or that don't really fit me. And I still have too much stuff.
Shoes are a tough one! I have more than enough, but it’s definitely something I need to buy new most of the time. This year, I invested in some Birkenstock slippers, and my feet are so much happier.
Oh how timely - I’ve just decided to do this myself! Starting by not buying “nonessentials”, basically anything I don’t explicitly need, for the month of January. This especially applies to sewing and knitting - I really need to use up my stash! Hoping to be a bit more creative this month and will see where it takes me. Glad to see others have had the same thought!
Yes 🙌🏻 ! Two years ago we moved to a much smaller home and let go of a lot of stuff but there’s still work to do on that.. but it’s so tempting to pick up that cute cup or cushion... I don’t need more clothes or shoes or cups so I’m up for this challenge ☺️
This is an excellent challenge to reset and review priorities. As you've described, it's about so much more than just money ... it's about really seeing where your time and energy and passions are going and whether that's really where you want them to go. I learned last year the idea that our expenses reflect our priorities and a challenge like this helps me make sure mine are in alignment.
Love this! Excited to see others taking these kinds of challenges on. Last year, I did No New Things challenges hosted by Ashlee Piper, a sustainability expert, for a month at a time. I really loved it as it got me rethinking my shopping patterns. But it still led me to shopping a lot at thrift and consignment shops. After years of impulse buying and treating myself, I decided to do a No Buy Year challenge for 2024, where I only buy necessities with allowances for replacements and experiences if I've saved up for it. For me, it's definitely about saving money but also hopefully rewiring my brain for the same reasons you stated. Hopefully the pressure of a year won't get to me but having done this a little last year, I think I'm ready for the challenge. Plus, I'm allowing for a quarterly reward under $100 to avoid it being super restrictive. This still fits within my approach since it's all about being mindful and purposeful about what I buy.
I had to do some serious purging when we packed all our household goods to go into storage before selling our house and traveling the US in an RV for a year. It really opened my eyes to how much STUFF was crammed in various hidey-holes throughout the house. And living in an RV for a year showed how little we really need. So for the past few years I've been a lot more mindful about what I purchase - we don't deny ourselves but think really hard about something that's just a want rather than a need. But I still have a problem with craft projects - I love the planning and sourcing supplies. And sometimes I even start the project - but there are at least a half dozen strewn about our spare room in various states of not-done-yet. So I'm going to spend January working on existing projects buying only supplies essential to finish. Thanks for the challenge!
I like that! It’s good to have a reason to finish.
Hi Sarai. Love this. I have spent the last year releasing things that no longer serve me. I have been using a Buy Nothing group on FB and love seeing things go to others I know will love and use them. I have also acquired a few things for my garden in this manner. I am joining your challenge with a focus on…food. Yup. Food. I am still buying for at least 3! Even though my daughter is living on the other side of the country and her father and I have divorced. The pandemic didn’t help as we all went into hoarder mode and I’ve been unable to change my way of thinking. 3-5lb bags of bread flour in the pantry now along with - oh my goodness don’t even want to say. My challenge is to eat from the pantry and the freezer, buy only fresh veg and fruit - enough for a few days so it’s truly fresh - and work my way thru all this food. Thanks for all your great inspiration.
You should see our pantry! We live pretty far from the grocery store though, so it’s useful to stay stocked. It could be fun to do a post and open thread on pantry meals!
Having so much fun with this. Finding things in the freezer and the pantry that I didn’t really know I had. Found grits yesterday and shoved way in the back of the freezer a bag of shrimp. I thawed the shrimp and removed the shell and legs and threw them in a saucepan with some water and simmered quite a while to make a shrimp stock. I know I’ll use it for something. Made oven shrimp and grits for dinner last night and have plenty of leftovers for lunch today, dinner tonight and perhaps something creative for breakfast tomorrow to finish it off. Maybe slice and fry the grits and chop the remaining shrimp for an omelette. Have not bought anything at the store but veg and fruit since the start of the challenge. Feels good and wow saving a ton of money a great benefit!!
I love this! It makes me so happy to hear how it’s going. I had shrimp for dinner tonight too.
Love this, Sarai!
I made a commitment last year to not buy any new fabric. I love how it forced me to be more creative with my sewing. I find it actually easier to create when having constraints. I also try to do the same with my pantry as I realize I buy a lot of grains, vinegars, oils, etc. and don't necessarily make the most of them before buying more!
I really like your idea of having one larger focus for the year and breaking it up into monthly 'challenges'. I tend to set a lot of goals in every area of my life each year, but of course not all of them end up getting done or even paid attention to that much. I think it's a great idea because by focusing on a larger goal we often end up learning, noticing and changing things about more specific things at the same time!
Growing up poor had me feeling a sort of way about seeing my closet filled to the brims! I felt happy and accomplished! Truth is I wear about 20% of whats in there and have no idea if the other 80% fits. I love the idea of this challenge mostly because I don't think I have time to sew myself a capsule wardrobe but like the idea of not bringing more stuff in for now. My end goal is to hopefully donate most of what I don't wear but for now I feel good about just not brining stuff in.
I have a very full closet too. Another thing I’ve thought about doing is creating a capsule for a season from what I already have.
Several very close friends are joining me for a "Depth Year" challenge (David Cain, Raptitude) to not buy new possessions or start new hobbies, but to finish existing ones. We will check in monthly to encourage one another. My word this year is PERSIST.
Love that concept (and David Cain, he always makes me think).
I'm in! I've been reducing the contents of my closet for several years now. When I buy second-hand, I promise myself to put twice whatever is new to me into the outgoing box. I still catch myself wanting the thrill of a good find at my local thrift store, but i usually stop because i really like the stuff I already have. It's about being creative with what is already on hand.....not in pursuit of more!
I tried that once, but I wasn’t very good at getting rid of things. Maybe I’ll try it again!
A few years back, I said I wasn’t buying any clothes for a year. If I wanted them I would sew/make them (exceptions under garments and socks). I bought 2 shirts and a pair of shorts. Don’t make many but didn’t buy them either. For 2024 … I think I will try 3 months at a time: not buy new clothes nor waste my time mindlessly scrolling and adding to my shopping cart. The other one is, if I want to buy a new book I have to remove 2 from my ever expanding library (trust me, I have many I could purge).
I love books, but mainly use the library. I have so much less book clutter since discovering the Libby app years ago! But then if I do buy a book, it just sits there unread in a growing pile as I feel like I have to address my library queue first.
I've mostly only been buying books that are costume/clothing related, as I'm a costume designer and that is my business—however, that adds up to a ton of books! I do use Libby all of the time, but sometimes they don't have books that I want, so I'll try and find used books, or get them from the library, if possible. I've slowly been culling the books that I don't think I'll reread, but I do love to reread my favorites, so it's slow work.
Not a low buy, more mindful consumption...but maybe they’re the same thing just enacted slightly differently. One setting boundaries and the other a thoughtful questioning around need and want? A combination of low buy and mindful consumption might be a way to navigate.
That seems like it would be a really good combination for the long term, once an initial challenge is over!
I rarely buy new clothes except for jeans, socks and underwear. I haven't for years. Other exceptions are shoes—as I get older, I can't tolerate uncomfortable shoes and shoes that are too worn out often create foot problems. I did buy a warm coat when I was visiting a cold climate—in San Francisco, I don't really need one, so now I have one. I bought a gorgeous skirt at a market in London, but mostly, I'm wearing my clothes that have been accumulated over a 50 year period. I am also culling some of these—things that don't suit me or that don't really fit me. And I still have too much stuff.
Shoes are a tough one! I have more than enough, but it’s definitely something I need to buy new most of the time. This year, I invested in some Birkenstock slippers, and my feet are so much happier.
Oh how timely - I’ve just decided to do this myself! Starting by not buying “nonessentials”, basically anything I don’t explicitly need, for the month of January. This especially applies to sewing and knitting - I really need to use up my stash! Hoping to be a bit more creative this month and will see where it takes me. Glad to see others have had the same thought!
I like that approach too! And it’s so fun to create with what’s at hand too.
Yes 🙌🏻 ! Two years ago we moved to a much smaller home and let go of a lot of stuff but there’s still work to do on that.. but it’s so tempting to pick up that cute cup or cushion... I don’t need more clothes or shoes or cups so I’m up for this challenge ☺️
Especially at this time of year, with all the sales! I actually find it so liberating to have a reason to ignore them.
Emma Watson said - “we have the ability to change the world simply by being careful about what we buy”.
I am going to join you on this journey😊
Love this. It’s at least one step we can take.
This is an excellent challenge to reset and review priorities. As you've described, it's about so much more than just money ... it's about really seeing where your time and energy and passions are going and whether that's really where you want them to go. I learned last year the idea that our expenses reflect our priorities and a challenge like this helps me make sure mine are in alignment.
That’s an interesting way to think about it, and also makes me feel a bit vain! That’s actually something I’ve been thinking about a lot as I age.
It's something I've found helpful as a guide to looking at where my money is going and why and whether or not that's really where I want it to go.
Aging shifts us and our priorities. I'm sure you've been exactly where you needed to be and maybe now are shifting into where you need to go.
Having just tried to wrangle the clean laundry back into my bulging closet I am with you on this challenge!
Ugh, laundry!
Love this! Excited to see others taking these kinds of challenges on. Last year, I did No New Things challenges hosted by Ashlee Piper, a sustainability expert, for a month at a time. I really loved it as it got me rethinking my shopping patterns. But it still led me to shopping a lot at thrift and consignment shops. After years of impulse buying and treating myself, I decided to do a No Buy Year challenge for 2024, where I only buy necessities with allowances for replacements and experiences if I've saved up for it. For me, it's definitely about saving money but also hopefully rewiring my brain for the same reasons you stated. Hopefully the pressure of a year won't get to me but having done this a little last year, I think I'm ready for the challenge. Plus, I'm allowing for a quarterly reward under $100 to avoid it being super restrictive. This still fits within my approach since it's all about being mindful and purposeful about what I buy.
Oh, I like the idea of a little reward! Maybe I’ll do that within another category (like a new art book or something).
I am resolutely not going near shops for the duration ! And not opening any emails from online temptations either 😂
I’m unsubscribing from all the emails so that I’m not tempted!😂